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NEET Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement

NEET Biology Chapter 20

Locomotion and Movement

         Movement is one of the significant features of living beings. Animals plants exhibit a wide range of movements. Streaming of protoplasm in the unicellular organisms like Amoeba is simple form of movement. Movement of cilia, flagella, and tentacles are shown by many organisms. Human beings can move limbs, jaws, eyelids, tongue, etc... Some of the movements are called locomotion. Walking, climbing, running, flying, swimming, are all some forms of locomotory movements. Locomotory structures need to be different from those affecting other types of movements. For example, in Paramoecium, cilia helps in the movement  of food through cytopharynx and in location as well. Hydra can use its tentacles for capturing its prey and also use them for locomotion. We use limbs for changes in body postures and locomotion as well. The two may be linked by stating that all locomotions are movements but all movements are not locomotions.

          Methods of locomotion performed by animals vary with their habitats and the demand of the situation. However locomotion is generally for search of food, shelter, mate, suitable breeding grounds, favourable climate conditions or to escape from enemies/predators 

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